Window on Kisiizi

Window on Kisiizi

Sunday 1 December 2013


40...  the number of pineapples I bought from a road-side stall on the way back from Mbarara... most of them for our School of Nursing students who don't always get a very varied diet... in fact often they have posho and beans twice a day [posho is a maize flour porridge rather like "Ready Brek" in the UK but without the milk!]

Also bought one or two onions....

4...  the number of cardiac arrests this 6 week old girl had today...
she arrived in our out-patient/Accident & Emergency area labouring to breath and had her first arrest... then 3 more on the ward. 
I think clinically she has Down Syndrome [not diagnosed previously] and had severe pneumonia and wheeze.  She may have an underlying heart problem though we cannon hear a murmur at present.  I have just done the night round to review serious cases and happily she is much more stable now...
 5... Essentials for any good office secretary!
3... spontaneous triplets born at 4am a couple of weeks ago and all making good progress...

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