Window on Kisiizi

Window on Kisiizi

Sunday 17 March 2013


Amidst periods of intense activity where the on-call rota seems interminable and the list of "urgent to-do"  items expands rather than contracts and yet another email arrives asking why we haven't replied to their previous one, we have occasional oases of re-creation.

And Kisiizi and the region is a wonderful place to enjoy when we open our eyes and just pause to take it all in... from the astronomical, with the amazing stars at night, to the minute with insects on the dusty path in front of us.

Then, of course, there are the birds, amazing in their variety and beauty both at rest and in their aerobatic contortions that leave us breathless....

Ross' turaco in our garden

One of our favourite species is Ross' turaco - we have a pair that are often heard and seen in our garden.  They eat guavas and sit in the jacaranda tree and are stunning  when they fly and reveal the colour of their wings...

We had a wonderful break away at Lake Bunyonyi with visitors Dwight and Sandy Mcleod who were with us for three weeks.  Dwight is a physician and Sandy a health visitor and they are praying about their future and whether they are to serve in Africa longer term...
whilst on Bushara Island we were thrilled to unexpectedly bump into Chris and Polly Barton who have had an amazing ministry setting up dental services in our area and in Rwanda and Burundi.  We hadn't seen them in years so enjoyed a meal together and a chat around a blazing fire catching up...
Polly & Chris, Dwight & Sandy, Hanna & Ian
As well as the usual amazing mix of birds, butterflies and otters, we were amazed to see a "linear sunset" where the colour of the sky was divided as if a shadow was present in front of a projector... 
... and then we realised that it  must have been the setting sun's rays blocked by the massive volcano Muhavura not too far away on the border between Uganda and Rwanda...

so we thank God for the beauty of the world around us... and the people He sends our way... including those who inspire us:

The remarkable Joan Hall with Alice from Rukungiri
one such is Joan Hall, a remarkable lady who has given her life in missionary service to Uganda and is much loved by many.  We visited her in her new home in Kabale and then she came to visit Kisiizi a few days later so it was good to catch up with her and friends....
Another inspiration has been this young boy on our ward who has been in traction for a few weeks but remains full of fun exhibiting great patience.  He had fractured his right femur but here demonstrates that he has no problem at all  with  mobility of his left leg!  He doesn't need much to make him laugh and when he does it is infectious!  Good to have at least one positive transmission on the ward....

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